Our Blogging Stack – What We Use

Bloggers are often quick to ask, What do you use for… ?

So, we decided to list the stack of technologies, tools, and applications used to run the Blog Magazine website.

Our preferred combination is:

Blogging PlatformSelf-Hosted WordPress
Operating SystemLinux
Web HostCloudways (Digital Ocean)
WordPress ThemeGeneratePress Premium
Content Delivery NetworkCloudflare
Mailing List PlatformMailerLite
Cache PluginBreeze
Image Compression PluginreSmush.it
Additional Performance PluginPerfmatters
SEO PluginYoast SEO
Social Media PluginSassy Social Share
Pinterest PluginTasty Pins
Web Intelligence, SEO, Automation,
Social Distribution and Marketing
Pinterest DistributionTailwind
Blogging Stack of Technology

Performance Metrics

Using this stack, we manage the following performance metrics on GTmetrix. An overall A grade with 99% scores for speed and structure.

GT Metrix Website Performance Metrics
GTmetrix Website Performance Metrics

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